This calculator estimates the true prevalence of disease, given a) the test characteristics from a validation (test accuracy) study, followed by b) test results in a sample from the target population.

These confidence intervals use the adjustment to the Rogan-Gladen formulas proposed by Lang and Reiczigel.

a) Validation study. Run a test T on cases known to have disease (D+) to estimate sensitivity and controls known not to have disease (D-) to estimate specificity.
b) Prevalence study. Now apply the test to a representative sample from the population of interest. To estimate true prevalence, the proportion of the sample with a positive test (T+) must be adjusted for the test's imperfect sensitivity and specificity.
Instructions: Enter parameters in the green cells. Answers will appear in the blue box below.
Test validation
Number of cases known to have disease in the validation study
TV+ & DV+
Number of positive test results among those cases
Confidence interval:
Lower bound*
Upper bound*

Number of known non-disease controls in validation study
TV− & DV
Number of negative test results among those controls
Confidence interval:
Lower bound*
Upper bound*
*Confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity are calculated using normal approximation.
               Sample size
Number of people tested in sample from target population.
Number of positive test results in population.
Raw prevalence
Confidence level
Point estimate of true prevalence in population:

Confidence interval per Reiczigel
Lower bound:
Upper bound:

Confidence interval per Rogan and Gladen
Lower bound:
Upper bound:
Rogan WJ, Gladen B. Estimating prevalence from the results of a screening test. Am J Epidemiol. 1978;107(1):71-6.
Lang Z, Reiczigel J (2014) Confidence limits for prevalence of disease adjusted for estimated sensitivity and specificity, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 113, 13-22.